BrainFit Scholar Programmes


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Ace the Brain, Ace the Grades!

Since our company’s inception in 2001, our proven BrainFit® Scholar programmes have increased school results, improved athletic performance, accelerated artistic abilities in both visual arts and music, raised confidence and motivation for learning and enhanced emotional management in thousands of school-going children.


Give your child a learning advantage!

This fully personalized brain fitness training programme aims to give school-going children a learning advantage through “mental work-outs”. To achieve rapid, enduring results, we use the following programmes to build key mental “muscles” intensively over a 4-month term:



Whole Brain Training Program for 7-18 years old 


SMART™ Moves


Suitable for students 7 to 18 years of age, SMART™ Moves aims to strengthen a student’s sensory-motor brain fitness and accelerate learning speed using a proven and personalised gym-based programme.

Sensory-motor brain fitness is critical in the classroom whenever a child needs to put pen to paper (e.g. for drawing, colouring and writing), participate in activities with other children or execute any response with a movement element.

During each SMART™ Moves session, your child will participate in a series of movement activities that build gross motor skills and processing speed (including core stability, balance and coordination, motor planning) as well as table-top activities that build fine motor and handwriting skills.


SMART™ Moves – Details & Benefits

See improvement in:

  • Focus and organisation
  • Rhythm and timing
  • Learning speed
  • Body and spatial awareness
  • Advance visual skills
  • Gross and fine motor skills
  • Confidence


SMART™ Vision


Suitable for students 7 to 18 years of age, SMART™ Vision aims to rapidly improve a student’s visual brain fitness by using a proven and personalised programme comprising gym-based exercises, table-top as well as computer-based visual activities. Our visual brain fitness helps us to quickly and accurately interpret the information received through our eyes, especially important in the classroom. Having strong visual brain fitness helps students to excel in “visual” subjects such as Math, geometry and have neat, effortless handwriting.

During each SMART™ Vision session, your child will participate in a series of movement activities that strengthen eye movement speed and accuracy, visual spatial awareness as well as table-top and computer-based activities that enhance visual perception, visual-motor integration and visual memory.


SMART™ Vision – Details & Benefits

See improvement in

  • Handwriting & copying
  • Learning speed and abilities
  • Focus and attention
  • Visual perception and memory
  • Accuracy in detailed work
  • Visual spatial awareness and organisation


SMART™ Listening


Suitable for students 7 to 18 years of age, SMART Listening™ utilises the Fast ForWord® family of products, proven for its effectiveness at MIT, Stanford and Harvard Universities.  The result of more than 30 years of neuroscientific research, this software has helped over 2 million students boost their auditory, reading and language skills for improved scholastic performance. Children who have been trained on Fast ForWord® have displayed improved auditory, language and reading skills and increased self-esteem in and out of the classroom.

Fast ForWord® is a computer-based product that accelerates learning by developing Learning MAPS™, key cognitive skills comprising Memory, Attention, Processing, and Sequencing. Through Frequency, Adaptivity, Simultaneous development, and Timely motivation, the FAST Power Learning Formula™, language, reading and comprehension skills improve.


SMART Listening – Details & Benefits

See improvement in:

  • Auditory processing
  • Ability to follow instructions
  • Auditory memory
  • Receptive and expressive language skills
  • Reading and comprehension
  • Learning speed
  • Attention and focus
  • Communication and social skills
  • Confidence


SMART™ Focus


Suitable for students 7 to 18 years of age, SMART™ Focus utilises the educationally proven computer-based programmes.


SMART™ Focus – Details & Benefits

See improvement in

  • Attention and concentration
  • Ability to stay on task
  • Working memory
  • Attention stamina
  • Impulse control
  • Over-activity




Emotional Intelligence is about using your emotions to guide you through the world. It is about being able to use your own knowledge of emotions to make decisions, to calm yourself down, to manage anger and conflict, to help you in your relationships with people, to know what is happening in social situations, and to assist you in many aspects of life where you or another person is involved.

SMART™ EQ aims to build emotional intelligence in children aged 8 to 12 years old through proven methodologies based on the successful Learned Optimism and Aussie Optimism programmes from USA and Australia.

With stronger emotional Intelligence, your child can:

  • Be more successful with making friends and be more able to manage situations of conflict with peers
  • Better manage emotions when upset or angry and have fewer behaviour problems
  • Concentrate better and have greater academic success
  • Have fewer physical illnesses
  • Have more stable and satisfying relationships as adults
  • Have greater career success: Emotional Intelligence may be a better predictor of academic and career success than IQ!