

Our 5 Brain Pillars deal with “how we learn” and determine our ability to acquire, retain and make use of the knowledge we gather. Knowledge is “what we learn” and represents academic content, study techniques and strategies etc. Recent brain scan research has shown that these 5 Brain Pillars are closely associated with the brain networks responsible for human intelligence (IQ). Hence, strengthening these 5 Brain Pillars means sharpening our intelligence. Our 5 Brain Pillars are Auditory Input System, Visual Input System, Sensory-Motor Output System, Attention Control System and Emotional Control System

These 5 Brain Pillars are important because whether you are learning to play golf, piano or solve a Math problem, they form the foundation of our “engine for learning”. For example, to be successful in the activities above, accurate listening (Auditory Input System) to the coach’s instructions, the tune of music from

the piano or the explanation from the teacher about the new Math concept is vital. Our Visual Input System further supports our listening as we watch the coach’s golf swing closely, look at the music scores line by line or study the Math diagrams the teacher has drawn on the blackboard. Our Emotional Control System keeps our anxiety at bay and our motivation high as we learn these tasks for the first time, so that our Attention Control System can work efficiently to keep us focused on the task at hand. Finally, we need our motor skills (Sensory-Motor Output System) to execute the new golf swing, manipulate our fingers swiftly on the keyboard to play the tune or control the pencil to copy the Math diagram accurately onto our workbook.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these 5 Brain Pillars means understanding the health of our “learning engine”.



For pre-schoolers (<6years) at BrainFit® Studio, training focuses on enhanced development of all cognitive skills based on the natural developmental sequence. For school-going children, skills are intensively accelerated over a 4-month period to ensure rapid and enduring results.


Set personal objectives

We first understand the student’s needs. Together with the student’s parents/ carers, we set objectives and desired outcomes together.

Measure with CognitiveMAP™

Next, the student’s cognitive capabilities are objectively measured with our unique CognitiveMAP™ brain fitness profiling tool. This helps us to understand the student’s unique brain fitness profile file and allows us to track improvements after our brain fitness training programmes.


Adapt activities to abilities

We then adapt our programmes to suit the profile of each student. Adaptation is essential because if the cognitive tasks selected are too easy, the brain will not be adequately challenged to build new, stronger and better connections; if the activities are too difficult, the student will lose motivation, interest and confidence in continuing. Feedback is continuously generated so we can monitor progress and adjust the cognitive exercises accordingly throughout the duration of the student’s brain fitness training programme.

Re-wire through focused practice

Neuro-scientific research tells us frequency and intensity has significant effect on brain fitness training outcomes.  During a typical 50min training session at BrainFit® Studio, a student may be engaged in up to 500-1000 repetitions of the cognitive tasks they are working on. Adequate frequency and intensity of training is vital for maximum results.

Transform brain for maximum performance

When the above steps are followed closely, we expect the brain to be transformed into a sharper and faster neural network for learning and performance. We expect our students to be able to learn better – focus longer, think faster and remember more. We conduct re-evaluations on all our students to measure their gains.Our training protocols conform to neuroscientific principles for maximum impact and efficacy. They adapt themselves to improvements in brain ability, ensuring that brain fitness training is conducted at the most optimal level.



One important question parents ought to ask when checking out any brain training programmes is the evidence, or results achievable. This means more than asking for success stories or testimonials. Yes, while those are important and certainly memorable, parents should also enquire about hard data and evidence.


Improvement in school examination results
According to the researches in 2003-2012, school examination results of students who attend brain fitness training programme increase up to 50%.


Increase in performance speed & control.

Note that the following “before” and “after” changes were seen without the students actually having practiced on these handwriting worksheets i.e., these results were not a result of drills but actual gains in speed and control.

Increase in visual spatial perception (important for Math and Chinese)

Note that again, the following “before” and “after” changes were seen without the students actually having practiced on these worksheets

Improvement in Brain Scan research (fMRI)

According to the researches by MIT in 2003-2012, Brain procresses of students with Dyslexia are more normailsed following Fast ForWord® training.

Improvement in Standardised Test Scores taken before and after training

Note that all students who attend brain fitness training programme with us will receive a “Before” and “After” evaluation and report to allow us to measure gains made. These scores reflect average results based on about 5000 students we have worked with.


Contact Us

If you would like to have your child attend our course, or you would simply like more information, please contact us today.

BrainFit Studio Thailand 2nd floor, Ploenchit Center,
Sukhumvit Soi 2, Bangkok 10110BTS Ploenchit Station Exit 4

091-774-3769 02-656-9938 02-656-9939 Line ID: @brainfit_th